DETRANSITIONERS, DESISTERS, PARENTS, MEDICAL PROVIEDERS: see the end of the Reuter's article, even if you don't have time to read it all. "Do you have an experience with gender-affirming care to share as a patient, family member or medical provider? Share it with Reuters.https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/tips/

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Great bunch of articles again, particular the Reuters story. Somewhat apropos of which, a letter to the reporters who wrote it that I've just sent which I'll post here if that's ok with you:


Dear Chad Terhune, Robin Respaut, and Michelle Conlin,

I read through most of your recent article on “Youth in Transition”, and have to commend you and Thomson-Reuters for a fairly thorough and unbiased report on transgenderism, its promises and pitfalls. Particularly noteworthy for Thomson-Reuters being one of the few mainstream news sources so far willing to do so.

However, I think there are a number of “problematic” phrases used, both by yourselves and those you’ve interviewed that contributes to the confusion surrounding the whole issue, and probably thereby to the falsity of that promise. For an instance of the latter, there’s an oldish Slate article by Michelle Goldberg which interviewed a transwoman, Helen Highwater, who had this rather heart-rending description of that “falsity”:

"Yet [Highwater] has come to reject the idea that she is truly female or that she ever will be. Though 'trans women are women' has become a trans rights rallying cry, Highwater writes, it primes trans women for failure, disappointment, and cognitive dissonance. She calls it a 'vicious lie.' ...."


Transgender adolescents may well want to be perceived as members of the opposite sex, but the fact of the matter is that they won’t ever actually change their sexes. Society is basically being party to a fraud if they give any credence at all to the belief they can.

But first in those “problematic” phrases is this statement by one Dr. (?) Cole:

“Ryace is a very vibrant, well-adjusted young lady that just happened to be assigned male sex at birth,”

Rather depressing that a so-called doctor doesn’t realize that the definitions for “male” and “female” are foundational to pretty much all of biology, and are predicated on the possession of functional gonads of either of two types. For examples, see the Glossary in the article in the Journal of Molecular Human Reproduction, the Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, and the definitions for “male” and “female” from Oxford Dictionaries:





By which definitions, Ryace was still born male (sex) -- or assigned male as the sex he was likely to acquire at puberty -- because he was (probably) born with testicles, the type of gonads that more or less grant membership in the “male (sex)” category. But he won’t ever acquire the functional ovaries that would qualify him as a member of the female (sex) category. As much as he may desperately wish otherwise.

Which leads to your own “problematic” contribution to that confusion, i.e., “For adolescents transitioning to female, puberty blockers and hormones can complicate eventual genital surgery.”

Again, Ryace won’t ever “transition to female” because medical science has not (yet) advanced to the point of replacing his testicles with functioning ovaries of his own which is what would be required for him to qualify as a female (sex).

He may eventually LOOK like a female, and maybe that will be sufficient for him, and others in his position. But I expect we are doing him, and society in general, a serious disservice to give any hint that we think he has actually changed sex.

But part of that confusion – and the reason for my qualifying phrases “male (sex)”, and “female (sex)” – is that transgender activists are rather desperate to muddy the difference between sex (reproductive abilities) and gender (personalities and personality types) by redefining or “repurposing” “male” and “female” as genders. Why it might be wise if we were to qualify both terms, e.g., “male (sex)” versus “male (gender)”. But for instance, see the Wikipedia article on “Female” which states:

“Female is the sex of an organism that produces the large non-motile ova (egg cells), the type of gamete (sex cell) that fuses with the male gamete during sexual reproduction. ....

In humans, the word female can also be used to refer to gender.”


But, as indicated, there is a profound difference between sex and gender, losing sight of which can cause no end of problems. For example, see this editorial in the British Medical Journal which clearly, and more or less accurately differentiates between the two, and emphasizes the urgent necessity of being clear on those differences:


That difference seems to be generally well understood in Britain and in a number of other Commonwealth countries, but, rather sadly, many people in the U.S. tend to view the terms “sex” and “gender” as synonymous. Which tends to compound the problem and confusion. Somewhat surprising since the late Justice Scalia, quoted in Wikipedia’s article on “Gender”, had a quite useful analogy differentiating between the two:

“The word 'gender' has acquired the new and useful connotation of cultural or attitudinal characteristics (as opposed to physical characteristics) distinctive to the sexes. That is to say, gender is to sex as feminine is to female and masculine is to male.”


As Justice Scalia suggested, we might be wise to reserve “male” and “female” as indicators of membership in the sex (reproductive) categories while using “masculine” and “feminine” for genders denoting secondary traits typical of “adult human males (sex)” and “adult human females (sex)”.

Quite a complex issue, and one can sincerely sympathize with the “distress” and dysphoria that many adolescents, in particular, have to endure. However, I rather doubt we’re helping them or society in general by being unclear on what it means to be male (sex) and female (sex). As Francis Bacon put it some 400 years ago, “Therefore shoddy and inept application of words lays siege to the intellect in wondrous ways".


Jim Wiggins, AKA Steersman

CC: GC News: https://gcnews.substack.com/p/thursday-october-6-2022

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